Mayhem Affiliate 07/22/2023

Mayhem Affiliate 07/22/2023 Warm-up Warm-up 1. Movement Prep/ActivationHip Halo Warmup-into-10:00 AMRAP5 Front Squats (build across)10 Lateral Bar Hops5 Up-downs to Seal Pose10-sec sandbag bear hug hold 2. Workout PrepWith Partner2 sets:3 Front Squats (each)2 Bar Facing Burpees (each)10m Sandbag Carry (each)*build in weight and practice changing in and out of movements Workout Workout (Time) “Larry” […]

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Mayhem Affiliate 07/23/2023

Mayhem Affiliate 07/23/2023 Workout Option 1 Workout 1 (Time) Which Wich Freedom (RX’d)For time: 45x25ft Shuttle Run30 Bench Press (135/95)15 Wall Walks(KG conv: 61/43) IndependenceFor time: 45x25ft Shuttle Run30 Bench Press (115/80)10 Wall Walks(KG conv: 52/36) LibertyFor time: 30x25ft Shuttle Run30 Dumbbell Bench Press (light-moderate)15 Inch Worms Target TIme: 13-15 minutes Time Cap: 18 minutes […]

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Mayhem Affiliate 07/24/2023

Mayhem Affiliate 07/24/2023 Warm-up Warm-up 1. Movement Prep/ActivationHip Halo Warmup-into-Crossover Symmetry or Banded 7’s Warmup-into-8:00 Amrap20 sec Assault Bike4 Updowns to Seal Pose + Box Get-over5 GHD’s to Parallel4 Kip Swings + 2 Pull Ups4 inch Worms 2. Workout Prep2 sets:2 Burpee Box Get Overs5/4 Calorie Assault Bike5 GHD’s1 Bar Muscle Up Workout Mayhem Classic […]

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Mayhem Affiliate 07/25/2023

Mayhem Affiliate 07/25/2023 Warm-up Warm-up 1. Movement Prep/ActivationCrossover Symmetry or Banded 7’s + Hip Halo Warm up-into-3 sets:5 Single Arm Ring Rows (each side)5 Front Squats (empty bar – build across sets)5 Up downs 2. Strength PrepPartner up and rotate between these two movements: Build to a heavy single front squat Find a max strict […]

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Mayhem Affiliate 07/26/2023

Mayhem Affiliate 07/26/2023 Warm-up Warm-up 1. Movement Prep/Activation3 sets:1:00 Machine (easy pace)10 Dead bugs 5 Bench Press(empty bar – build across sets)5 Box Jumps (low box/ work on soft landing) 2. Strength PrepPartner up and rotate between these two movements: Build to a heavy single bench press Find a max height box jump 3. Workout […]

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Mayhem Affiliate 07/27/2023

Mayhem Affiliate 07/27/2023 Warm-up Warm-up 1. Movement Prep/Activation3:00 Machine-into-Burgener Warm Up + Skill Transfer: 10 minutes with a PVC or Empty Barbell Perform 3-5 reps at each movement -into-3x High Hang Clean + 3x Hang Clean + 3x Clean (PVC or Empty Barbell) 5 minutes, 2-3 times through Focus on footwork and finishing the pull […]

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Mayhem Affiliate 07/28/2023

Mayhem Affiliate 07/28/2023 Warm-up Warm-up 1. Movement Prep/ActivationHip Halo Warm-up-into-6 min AMRAP30-second Bike (easy pace)5 Deadlifts (empty bar – build across sets)10 Single Arm Dumbbell Shoulder Press (each)  2. Strength PrepPartner up and rotate between these two movements: Build to a heavy single deadlift Find a max set of strict HSPU 3. Workout Prep1 set:4 […]

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CrossFit – Sun, Jul 21

CrossFit – Sun, Jul 21 Workout Option 1 Jelly-Filled (Time) Freedom (RX’d) 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Shuttle Runs6 Line Facing Burpees after each round Each shuttle run rep is 25 feet down + 25 feet back. Independence10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1x50ft Shuttle Run4 Line Facing Burpees after each round Liberty10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1x50ft Shuttle Run4 Up Downs after each round Target Time: 11-13 minutes Time […]

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CrossFit – Mon, Jul 22

CrossFit – Mon, Jul 22 Warm-up Warm-up 1. Movement Prep/Activation3:00 Air Bike-into-8:00 AMRAP10 Banded Good Mornings10 Box Step Ups10 Deadbug10 Russian Kettlebell Swings (light)5 Deadlifts (empty bar-build across sets) 2. StrengthBuild up to a Heavy Deadlift10-12 minutes 3. Workout Prep2 sets:5 Kettlebell Swings (build in weight)5/4 Calorie Air Bike (build in pace) Strength/Accessory Deadlift (Weight) […]

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CrossFit – Tue, Jul 23

CrossFit – Tue, Jul 23 Warm-up Warm Up 1. Movement Prep/Activation2:00 Jump Rope-into-6:00 AMRAP50m Run8 Box Step-ups (each side)4 Box Jumps5 Kip Swings5 Hanging Knee Raises 2. Workout Prep2 sets:4 Box Jump Overs 4 Toes to Bar50m Run (build-in pace) Workout Olympic Medalists (Time) Freedom (RX’d)10-20-30-40Box Jump Overs (20)40-30-20-10Toes to Bar*200m Run after each round […]

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CrossFit – Wed, Jul 24

CrossFit – Wed, Jul 24 Warm-up Warm Up 1. Movement Prep/Activation2 sets10 Dynamic Squat Stretches 10 Cossack Squats-into-8:00 AMRAP30-second Row5 Back Squats (build across sets)10 Calf Raises3 Up-Downs + Bar Step Over 2. StrengthBuild up to a Heavy Back Squat10-12 minutes 3. Workout Prep2 sets:5/4 Calorie Row5 Thrusters (build in weight)2 Bar Facing Burpees Strength […]

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CrossFit – Thu, Jul 25

CrossFit – Thu, Jul 25 Warm-up Warm Up 1. Movement Prep/Activation2:00 Machine-into-8:00 AMRAP10 Alternating V-Ups5 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans (light)10 Walking Lunge steps 2. Workout Prep2 sets:5 GHDs or V-Ups4 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans (build in weight)10ft Dumbbell Lunge Walk (build in weight) Workout Stade de France (5 Rounds for reps) Freedom (RX’d)5 sets20 GHDs […]

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CrossFit – Fri, Jul 26

CrossFit – Fri, Jul 26 Warm-up Warm Up 1. Movement Prep/ActivationBanded 7’s-into-8:00 AMRAP30-seconds Jump Rope5 Inch Worms5 Snatch Deadlifts (PVC to Empty Bar)4 Muscle Snatch(PVC to Empty Bar)3 High Hang Power Snatch (PVC to Empty Bar)2 Power Snatch (PVC to Empty Bar) 2. Strength6 Power Snatch x 6 sets (every 2:00) *Complete in singles, same […]

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CrossFit – Sat, Jul 27

CrossFit – Sat, Jul 27 Warm-up Warm Up 1. Movement Prep/Activation3:00 Machine-into-Hip Halo Warm Up + Banded 7’s-into-3 sets:10 Deadbugs10 Cat/Cows5 Back Squats (empty bar-build in weight)3 Push Press (empty bar-build in weight)100m (Jog) 2. Workout Prep3 sets With Partner:100m Run (together-build in pace)3 Back Squats (build in weight)3 Shoulder to Overhead (build-in weight) Workout […]

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