CrossFit – Fri, Apr 12

CrossFit – Fri, Apr 12

Warm Up

1. Movement Prep/Activation
Banded 7’s
8:00 AMRAP
10 Alternating V-Ups (each side)
5 Inch Worms
5 Scap Pullups
30-second Machine

2. Workout Prep
2 sets:
2 Strict Chin Ups
4 Bench Dips
4 V-Ups

Gymnastics Skill Review (Checkmark)

Take 10-15 min to practice pull-ups. Athletes can work on modified strict, strict, kipping, butterfly, chest to bar…choose a level you’d like to work on and improve.

* Coaching videos with scaling options are provided in the coach notes.

BLT (Time)

Freedom (RX’d)
2 Rounds:
20 Strict Chin Ups
40 Bench Dips
60 V-Ups

2 Rounds:
15 Strict Pull-Ups
40 Bench Dips (knees bent)
50 Suitcase Sit-ups

2 Rounds:
20 Ring Row
30 Bench Dips (knees bent)
40 Sit Ups

  • Target time: Sub 10 minutes
  • Time cap: 15 minutes


1 min seal pose
1 min bicep stretch on wall
1 min tricep lacrosse ball smash (each side)