Mayhem Affiliate 07/15/2023

Mayhem Affiliate 07/15/2023


1. Movement Prep/Activation
Crossover Symmetry or Banded 7’s
10:00 Amrap
10 Single Arm Up Right Rows (each)
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Bench Press (each)
10-sec Dead Hang
150m Row (build in pace)

2. Workout Prep
2 sets: (each)
5 Pull Ups
5 Hand Release Push Ups
20-second Row (at work pace, practice transitions)

Workout (Time)


Freedom (RX’d)
Teams of 2
100 Pull-Ups Or Ring Row (Inverted)
100 Hand Release Push-ups
5000m/4000m Row

Teams of 2
75 Pull-Ups Or Ring Row (Inverted)
75 Hand Release Push-ups
4000m/3250m Row

Teams of 2
100 Ring Rows
100 Bar Push-ups
3000m/2500m Row

  • Target time: 26-28 minutes
  • Time cap: 35 minutes

Option 1: Gymnastics Skill Work
Gymnastics (Checkmark)

Pistols: Week 4 Day 2

All athletes accumulate 2 minute of Goblet Dorsiflexion

Partner Work/Rest
4-8-12-16-20 [split reps]
Advanced & Intermediate: Box Pistol Squats – keep heel in front of body
Beginner: Box Pistol Squats – touch foot to the ground or keep at 90 degrees
–between each set accumulate 20 Box Jumps as a team—

Alternative Option
3 rounds:

  • 10 Weighted Hip Thrusts @ moderate weight
  • 10 Band Pull Throughs @ moderate weight
  • 10 GHD Hip Raise @ moderate weight
  • 10 Weighted Box Step-Ups (each side) @ moderate weight, single or double DB

Rest 2 minutes b/t rounds

Option 2: Mayhem Mini Pump
Mayhem Mini Pump – Glutes and Core (Checkmark)

4 rounds:

  • 10 Weighted Hip Thrust @ moderate weight
  • 10 Band Pull Through @ moderate weight
  • 10 GHD Hip Raise @ moderate weight
  • 10 Weighted Box Step-Ups (each side) @ moderate weight (single or double DB)
  • 30yd Single DB Overhead Carry (Left– as heavy as possible)
  • 30yd Single DB Overhead Carry (Right – as heavy as possible)
  • 15 GHD’s
  • :30 Second Plank
  • :15 second side plank (each side)
  • :30 second Chinese Plank
  • 30yd Single DB Overhead Carry (Left– as heavy as possible)
  • 30yd Single DB Overhead Carry (Right – as heavy as possible)

*Rest 3 minutes b/t rounds

  • 1 min Seal Pose
  • 1 min Bicep stretch on wall
  • 1 min Tricep lacrosse ball smash (each side)
