Mayhem Affiliate 08/21/2023

Mayhem Affiliate 08/21/2023


1. Movement Prep/Activation
Crossover Symmetry or Banded 7’s + Hip Halo warm up
3 sets:
5 Snatch Grip Deadlifts
5 Muscle Snatch
5 Snatch Push Press
5 Overhead Squats
5 Squat Snatch
(perform with a PVC pipe or empty bar)

2. Strength Prep

  • 5 sets: 1 High Hang Power Snatch + 1 Hang Power Snatch + 1 Power Snatch (@65% of 1RM Snatch)
    – Complete a set every 1:30 –


  • 3 sets: 3 Overhead Squats (@75% of 1RM Snatch)
    – Rest as needed between sets –

3. Workout Prep
1 set
10ft Single Arm Overhead Walking Lunge (left)
10 Double Unders
10ft Single Arm Overhead Walking Lunge (right)
10 Double Unders

3-Position Power Snatch (Weight)
1 Power Snatch + 1 Below the Knee Power Snatch + 1 Hang Power Snatch

3 Position Power Snatch (High Hang, Above the Knee, Floor)

5 sets of: 1 High Hang Power Snatch + 1 Hang Power Snatch + 1 Power Snatch (@65% of 1RM Snatch)
* Complete a set every 1:30 *

Overhead Squat (Weight)

3 sets: 3 Overhead Squats (@75% of 1RM Snatch)

* Rest as needed between sets *

Workout (2 Rounds for reps)


Freedom (RX’d)
5:00 AMRAP
200 Double Unders
In the remaining time, complete max Distance Single Arm Overhead Walking Lunge (35/25)
(score is total distance lunged)
-rest 2 minutes –
5:00 AMRAP
Complete 200ft Single Arm Overhead Walking Lunge (35/25)
In the remaining time, complete max Double Unders
(KG conv: 15/10 DB)

5:00 AMRAP
150 Double Unders
In the remaining time, complete max Distance Single Arm Overhead Walking Lunge (25/15).
-rest 2 minutes –
5:00 AMRAP
Complete 200ft Single Arm Overhead Walking Lunge (25/15)
In the remaining time, complete max Double Unders
(KG conv: 10/7.5)

5:00 AMRAP
200 Single Unders
In the remaining time, complete max Dumbbell Step ups (light)(20/16).
-rest 2 minutes –
5:00 AMRAP
Complete 30 Dumbbell Step Ups (light)(24/20)
In the remaining time, complete max Single Unders

Target Scores:

  • Target number of Double Unders: 150+ reps
  • Minimum number of reps before scaling: 75 reps
  • Target Distance: 150ft +
  • Minimum Distance before scaling: 75ft
Mobility (Checkmark)
  • 1 min foot smash w/ lacrosse ball (each side)
  • 1 min Couch Stretch (each side)
  • 1 min Seal Pose