Mayhem Affiliate 10/07/2023

Mayhem Affiliate 10/07/2023


1. Movement Prep/Activation
2 sets:
1:00 Ski
1:00 Bike
1:00 Row
-rest 15 seconds between –
3 rounds
5 Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press (build across rounds)
10ft Sled Push (build across rounds) or 6 lunges

2. Workout Prep
1 set:
5 Dumbbell Bench Press (at workout weight)
10ft Sled Push (at workout weight) or 6 lunges

Workout Option 1
Mayhem Affiliate “Finding the Light” (Time)

Mayhem Affiliate “Finding the Light” Option 1

Teams of 2
3 Rounds:
40 Dumbbell Thrusters (50s/35s)
40 Double-Unders
40 Burpee Box Step-Ups (24/20)
40 Pull-Ups
** One partner works at a time, share the reps equally. The “working” partner has their eyes shut and the “resting” partner has their eyes open and works as a guide to help their partner.
(KG conv: 22.5/15 DBs)

Teams of 2
3 Rounds:
30 Dumbbell Thrusters (35s/25s)
30 Double-Unders
30 Burpee Box Step-Ups (24/20)
30 Pull-Ups

Teams of 2
3 Rounds:
30 Dumbbell Thrusters (light)
30 Single-Unders
30 Up-down Step-Ups (24/20)
30 Ring Rows

  • Target time: sub 24 minutes
  • Time cap: 30 minutes

Mayhem Affiliate “Finding the Light” Option 2
As a finisher workout at the end of class , done in two heats:
One round for time
20 Dumbbell Thrusters (50s/35s)
20 Double-Unders
20 Burpees
20 Pull-Ups
** Each athlete has a guide from the resting heat. The athlete has their eyes shut and the guide helps them through the workout.
(KG conv: 22.5/15 DBs)

  • Target under 5 minutes, cap 8 minutes

“We can all make a difference. With one workout, we can all be a guiding light.”

We are holding this workout in honor of Blindness Awareness Month. “Finding the Light” is a workout created by Kym Dekeyrel, 2021 CrossFit Games Champion in the Women’s Vision Division. The workout is meant to be completed with your eyes closed to give an idea of what it’s like to workout without vision.

The hope is that this workout will help spread awareness for blinding diseases and those affected. Kim wants to encourage others to know that blindness does not define them and that they can do much more than they think possible.

If you would like to donate toward’s this amazing cause, please visit

Workout Option 2
Workout (Time)

“You go Glen Coco”

Freedom (RX’d)
Teams of 2
10 Rounds (each)
10 Dumbbell Bench Press (50s/35s) (Or Bench Press 135/95)
50ft Sled Push (3×45/2×45) (OR 20 Jumping Air Squats OR 50ft bodyweight lunge)
(complete 1:1)
(KG conv: 22.5/15 DBs, 61/43 Barbell, 60/40 Sled)

Teams of 2
10 Rounds (each)
10 Dumbbell Bench Press (40s/25s) (Or Bench Press 115/80)
50ft Sled Push (115/70) (OR 15 Jumping Air Squats OR 50ft bodyweight lunge)
(KG conv: 17.7/10 DBs, 52/36 Barbell, Sled 50/30)

Teams of 2
10 Rounds (each)
10 Bar Push-ups
50ft Sled Push (1×45/1×25) (OR 15 Air Squats OR 25ft bodyweight lunge)
(KG conv: 20/10 Sled)

  • Target time: 14-16 minutes
  • Time cap: 20 minutes

Option 1: Gymnastics Skill Work
Double Unders: Week 2 Day 2 (AMRAP – Reps)

Double Unders: Week 2 Day 2

Accumulate 3 rounds of unbroken 50 Singles [5 max attempts]
*Rest as needed between sets


  • Beginner: work on single-single-single-double attempts for 2 min
  • Intermediate/Advanced: 2 min to find one max set of unbroken double-unders

Score is reps achieved in part 2. Note if you did double-unders or single-doubles.

Option 2: Mayhem Mini Pump
Mayhem Mini-Pump – Back and Biceps (Checkmark)

4 Rounds

  • 10 Strict Pullups @ moderate weight – maintain quality
  • 10 Bent Over Barbell Row – Underhand Grip @ Moderate weight – maintain control and quality
  • 10 Lat Pulldowns @ moderate weight – maintain quality
  • 10 Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curls @ moderate weight – maintain quality

-Rest 3 min b/t rounds-

  • 1 min foot smash with lacrosse ball (each side)
  • 1 min pec smash on rig with lacrosse ball (each side)
  • 1 min foam roll lats (each side)