Mayhem Affiliate 10/14/2023

Mayhem Affiliate 10/14/2023


1. Movement Prep/Activation
8 min AMRAP
30-second ski
5 GHD’s to parallel or abmat sit-ups
30-second Shuttle Run
4 Box step-ups (24/20)

2. Workout Prep
With partner:
20 second Ski (each)
5 GHD’s or abmat sit-ups (each)
20 second Shuttle Run (each)
2 Burpee Box Jumps (each)

Workout (2 Rounds for reps)

“Guys Grocery Games”

Freedom (RX’d)
Teams of 2
12:00 AMRAP
2000/1600m Ski (or Row) – shared between partners
Max GHD’s (or abmat sit-ups) – one athlete works at a time

-1:00 rest-

12:00 AMRAP
4000/3200m Bike Erg (or 100 Shuttle Runs) – shared between partners
Max Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20) – one athlete works at a time

* For the shuttle runs, one rep is 50 feet total (25 down + 25 back). One partner should do 10 reps, then trade with their partner (each doing 5 sets total).

Teams of 2
12 min AMRAP
2000/1600m Ski (or Row) – shared between partners
Max GHD’s + 6in Riser (or abmat sit-ups)
-1 min rest-
12 min AMRAP
4000/3200m Bike Erg (or 100 Shuttle Runs) – shared between partners
Max Burpee Box Get Overs (24/20) – one athlete works at a time

Teams of 2
10 min AMRAP
1500/1200m Row
Max Sit ups
-1 min rest-
10 min AMRAP
3000/2600m Bike Erg (or 75 Shuttle Runs) – shared between partners
Max Up Downs + Step Ups

  • Target number of reps each set:
    Workout 1: 75+ reps
    Workout 2: 40+ reps

  • Minimum number of reps before scaling:
    Workout 1: 50+ reps
    Workout 2: 20 reps

Option 1: Gymnastics Skill Work
Double Unders: Week 3 Day 2 (Time)

Double Unders: Week 3 Day 2

Working on coordination and rhythm

10 rounds:
2 single-unders
1 double-under
-rest 10 seconds-
TIME CAP: 5 minutes

Advanced option: change the double-under to cross-over.

Option 2: Mayhem Mini Pump
Mayhem Mini-Pump – Back and Biceps (Checkmark)

4 Rounds

  • 10 Strict Pullups @ moderate weight – maintain quality
  • 10 Double DB Prone Row @ Moderate weight – maintain control and quality
  • 10 Lat Pulldowns – Neutral Close Grip @ moderate weight – maintain quality
  • 10 DB Spider Curls @ moderate weight – maintain quality

-Rest 3 min b/t rounds-

  • 1 min foot smash w/ lacrosse ball (each side)
  • 1 min Couch Stretch (each side)
  • 1 min Bicep Wall Stretch