Mayhem Affiliate 10/21/2023

Mayhem Affiliate 10/21/2023


1. Movement Prep/Activation
Hinshaw Warm Up

2. Workout Prep
With Partner
2 sets:
100m Run (together)
10ft Single Dumbbell Synchro Lunge (build in weight)

Workout (Time)


Freedom (RX’d)
Teams of 2
4 Rounds
400m Run (Together) (or 1000m/850m Row – shared)
100ft Single Dumbbell Synchro Lunge (50/35)
(KG conv: 22.5/15)

Teams of 2
4 Rounds
400m Run (Together) (1000m/850m Row – shared)
100ft Single Dumbbell Synchro Lunge (35/25)
(KG conv: 15/10)

Teams of 2
4 Rounds
300m Run (Together) (750m/600m Row – shared)
100ft Synchro Lunge

  • Target time (Run Option): 15-17 minutes
  • Time cap (Run Option): 20 minutes
  • Target time (Row Option): 19-21 minutes
  • Time cap (Row Option ): 24 minutes

Option 1: Gymnastics Skill Work
Double Unders: Week 4 Day 2 (AMRAP – Reps)

Double Unders: Week 4 Day 2

Working on coordination and rhythm

On a running 3 minute clock, accumulate as many single-double reps as you can.

Advanced option: On a 3 minute clock, accumulate as many cross-overs as you can.

Option 2: Mayhem Mini Pump
Mayhem Mini-Pump – Arms and Shoulders (Checkmark)

​​​​4 Rounds

  • 12 Plate Front Raise @ moderate weight – maintain quality
  • 10 Ring Curls @ moderate weight – maintain quality
  • 10 Standing KB Crush Grip French Press @ moderate weight – maintain quality

-Rest 3 min b/t rounds-


1 min Barbell Quad Smash (each side)
1 min Couch Stretch (each side)
1 min Trap Smash (each side)