WOD for Monday, September 12th 2022

Monday, September 12th 2022

A. General
6 rounds
20 seconds Machine @Easy
10 seconds Machine @Hard

B. Mobility
PNF lat stretch on bench
5 x
7 seconds pushing with your elbows against the box
7 seconds stretching, moving your upper body toward the ground

C. Specific
2 sets
10 Banded lat pull downs

5 pause ring rows* 2 sec at the top
3/3 KB windmills

Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)
E3MOM x 5
3-8 Weighted strict pull up

TC: 15 min

Scaling Options
3-8 Assisted Strict Pull Up

3-8 Strict Pull Up

4 sets
Bar MU X%
10 Cal Row @ damper 10
Rest as little as possible between unbroken sets.
+5-10% from last week

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 13minutes
5 Wall walks
15 Deadlift 225/155 lbs
400m Run

KG: 100/70 KG
TC: 13 min
Score: Rounds and Reps

Scaling Options
5 Inchworm push ups*
15 Deadlift @ RPE 6/10
200m run

3 Wall walks
15 Deadlift @ 185/135
400m run

Amrap 13
50′ HS walk (25 + 25’)
15 Deadlift @225/155 lbs
300’ Shuttle run (25′ + 25′)

Extra Accessory
Metcon (Checkmark)
Parallette supported banded face pull
3 x 12
Hold each rep for 2 seconds
Rest 60 seconds between sets

Your hand should by right next to your chin at the top

Goal: Upper post chain Iso