Tuesday, September 27th 2022
A. General
EMOM x 3 @increasing intensity
-30sec Ski/Bike/Row/Run/Mountain climbers
-15sec Downward dog
EMOM x 3 @increasing intensity
-30sec Ski/Bike/Row/Run/Mountain climbers
-15sec Downward dog
B. Activation
1 set
– 8 alternating Bird Dogs
– 8 pausing ring rows*
– 8 hollow rocks
– 8 Behind the neck prone pvc press
*pause 2sec when chest reaches knuckles
C. Specific Progression
5 min EMOM
– Beginners: practice modification
– Advanced: 3-5 SHSPU
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Get to 100 Strict HSPU in as little sets as possible
Metcon (Time)
Every 2 mins for 16 minutes
5 D-ball/Sandbag ground to over the shoulder 100/70lbs
15 Burpees to target
5 D-ball/Sandbag ground to over the shoulder 100/70lbs
15 Burpees to target
KG: 50/35 KG
TC: 16 min
Score: Fastest Round’s Time
TC: 16 min
Score: Fastest Round’s Time
Scaling Options
5 D-ball/Sandbag ground to over the shoulder
10 Burpees
5 D-ball/Sandbag ground to over the shoulder @ 70/50 lbs
15 Burpees to target
Extra Accessory
Metcon (Weight)
Seated Good morning
3 x 8 @RPE 8/10
Rest as needed between sets
3 x 8 @RPE 8/10
Rest as needed between sets
Score: Number of sets
Scaling Options
70 DB Strict Press @moderate
70 Pike HSPU, feet on box
*Add a deficit if your Max effort is 25 reps+